Hello dear guests and team members! Due to illness I have taken some arrangements. And I want you to check out my new weapon I experienced in combating the disease today. It is chep, not complicate in preparation and do not needs special education.
Needed components: -ginger(Ginger powder is not recommended) (~1.60-2ls/kg) -water -casserole -knife -gas or electric cooker -time(recommended).
Here is photo of operation below: 1. take a ginger 2.Сut a patr of it. (+/-) 3.Add ginger in water, when it starts boiling. 4.After 10 minutes tea ir ready! Serve with honey or sugar or lemon. P.S. It is the hottest tea I ever drunk.
Here are more information about magic ginger effect (in russian). http://www.imbir.info/?p=5 "Имбирный чай улучшает мозговое кровообращение и память."
"имбирный чай с лимоном принято считать одним из самых почитаемых напитков именно в холодное время года." ---> here is my choise.